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Most pastors and church leaders wrestle with this question: How do we measure success if not by numbers?
For the next two episodes, we’re diving into one of the most radical truths of the gospel—that God’s power is made perfect not in our strengths, but in our weaknesses. Paul lived this. He was battered, abandoned, mocked, even questioned as a true apostle. Yet, it was precisely in his weakness that God’s power was most fully displayed.
This isn’t just theological. It’s deeply personal. I’ve spent my whole life trying to overcome my weaknesses. But what if they were never obstacles to success—what if they were the very platform for God’s power?
Join me as we unpack this paradigm-shifting truth, straight from 2 Corinthians 10-13.
For many leaders, the pain and failure that come with leadership are often too much to bear.Â
But the truth is – pain and failure are some of God's greatest gifts to us.
Why? Because it is the only way we will mature into the unique leaders He has destined us to become. In today's podcast episode, I'll show you how to perceive the challenges of leadership as gifts from the Father.
Have you ever returned from vacation tired and empty?
As we enter into the summer months in North America, we have an opportunity to completely re-think the way we take our vacations from a biblical perspective.
On today's podcast, I explore what you must do BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER your vacation in order for you to get the rest and restoration you need.
Is your life and leadership the same on the INSIDE as it is on the OUTSIDE?
You might respond "Of course it is!". But reality is - sometimes it's hard to know. That's why God often sends others to help us see our own blindspots.
In today's podcast, I share this full sermon and 3 invitations that I believe are critical for the day in which we live.Â
It has been almost 40 years since I graduated from seminary. I had no idea there would also be a few HARD lessons waiting for me. Each of them would completely transform my life and ministry.
In today's podcast, I share just 5 of these important lessons hoping they can be a gift to you as well.
Most leaders are consumed with solving problems, putting out fires, and managing people.
Most leaders are taught that THIS is good leadership! But the truth is, if you want to be a transformational leader, you must learn to lead from the inside out.
In today's episode, I share about the three temptations that must be resisted in order to lead from within.
Last week on the podcast we covered a thorny topic – Church Scandals.
In today's episode, I tackle several questions that listeners sent me last week, and then we dive into part two of the key to addressing our church scandal crisis.
Church scandals.
They seem to be more and more frequent in headline news. Each one has a dramatic effect on all of us. They are to be grieved but also carefully examined.
Please listen to today's episode, and if appropriate, share with others leaders who could benefit from this conversation.
We must recover the ancient practice Sabbath. It's how we slow down our lives to delight in Jesus, and in doing so, anchor ourselves into eternity.
On today's podcast, I share a message which is the second part of our podcast series on the Sabbath.
Becoming an emotionally healthy disciple is not just about self-discovery and self-improvement.
Ultimately, our discipleship MUST lead us to become spiritual mothers and fathers of the faith - helping those around us discover their God-given power and purpose.
In today's podcast, I share a message that invites us to become spiritual mothers and fathers in the faith.