NEW Ancient Disciple-Making eBook

What the Riches of Church History Can Teach Us About Discipleship


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How Emotionally Healthy Are You?
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Become the Leader Your Church NeedsBuy the BookDownload Videos & Discussion Guide

How Healthy Is Your Leadership?

Do you feel too overwhelmed to enjoy life?
Are you doing your best ministry work but making little impact?
Have you ever felt powerless to change your environment?

The Emotionally Healthy Leader Will Help You

Catch a new vision for healthy leadership. Icon
Catch a new vision for healthy leadership.
Integrate who you are with what you do. Icon
Integrate who you are with what you do.
Lead the transformation of your team and church. Icon
Lead the transformation of your team and church.

See How a New Kind of Leadership is Possible

What Other Leaders Are Saying

Bishop T.D. Jakes Sr., Picture
Bishop T.D. Jakes Sr., C.E.O.
TDJ Enterprises
"A tremendous resource with practical, pragmatic ideas, revolutionary in their approach, touching the deepest pains in leadership with salve for the soul."
Dr. Ruth Haley Barton Picture
Dr. Ruth Haley Barton
Founder and President
Transformation Center
"Profoundly helpful, insightful, and with remarkable honesty, Pete inspires us to bring our transforming selves to the communities we serve-for the glory of God."
Nicky Gumbel Picture
Nicky Gumbel
Pioneer of Alpha Course
Holy Trinity Brompton, UK
"Peter Scazzero is one of the world authorities on emotional health...offering new hope to anyone seeking to grow and develop as a leader."

Dive Deeper with the EH Leader Podcast Series

Chapter 1: The Emotionally Unhealthy Leader

This launches the first of 10 podcasts from The Emotionally Healthy Leader book on “The Emotionally Unhealthy Leader.” Pete describes the four characteristics of an emotionally unhealthy leader and the unhealthy commandments which dominate our Christian leadership cultures. He invites us to let the simple but profound truths of this podcast go deep into our bones, to go from our head to our heart, that the world might know Jesus.

Chapter 2: Face Your Shadow

In part 2 of this series on The Emotionally Healthy Leader, Pete explores the first pillar of building a deep inner life out of which we lead for Jesus: face your shadow. This requires confronting those parts of who we are that we prefer to neglect, forget, or deny, and it is our most difficult leadership task. Pete builds on the material found in book and provides additional avenues to get at this largely unconscious, damaged but mostly hidden version of who we are.

Chapter 3: Lead Out of Your Marriage or Singleness

This podcast explores the second pillar of building a deep inner life out of which we lead for Jesus: lead out of your marriage or singleness. Pete begins by reviewing briefly a theology of marriage/singleness as a sign and wonder that bears witness to God’s love for the world then talks about four challenges we encounter as we embark on this journey.

Chapter 4: Slowing Down for Loving Union

Pete builds on the chapter, “Slow Down for Loving Union,” from The Emotionally Healthy Leader, offering additional insights on how to allow Jesus full access to our lives in a posture of openness and surrender and offers a larger perspective on the unique challenges of leading when, at the same time, we’re seeking to deepen our abiding in Jesus.

Chapter 5: Practice Sabbath Delight: Part 1

Pete continues his series on The Emotionally Healthy Leader by sharing a sermon on Sabbath. Sabbath is God’s foundation for our work. It guards us against the powerful idol of making our work the center of meaning for our lives, protecting us from defining ourselves by our work.

Chapter 5: Practice Sabbath Delight: Part 2

The integration of Sabbath delight in the midst of an active, missional life is one of the more subversive, radical and powerful gifts we can offer our people and the world we aim to serve. In this podcast Pete explores a number of related Sabbath applications and tangents and answers a number of common FAQ’s.

Chapter 6: Planning and Decision Making

Making plans for God without listening to him has been standard practice for thousands of years. In this podcast, Pete talks about the 3 indispensable questions he asks to stay anchored in making plans and decisions that flow out of deep inner life with God – whether they be in personal leadership or with a team.

Chapter 7: Culture and Team Building

One of the primary tasks of a leader is to create a healthy culture with healthy teams. For Christian leaders, this task is even more demanding because the kind of culture and teams we create are to be radically different than those of the world. Pete builds on the four characteristics of emotionally healthy culture and team building from The Emotionally Healthy Leader, expanding on each with personal examples and specific ways he has integrated them into his work over the last 23 years.

Chapter 8: Power and Wise Boundaries

It was the lessons learned from pain around “Power and Wise Boundaries” that initially served as the impetus for the writing of The Emotionally Healthy Leader. Almost every church, nonprofit organization, and Christian community bears deep scars and hurt due to a failure to steward power and set wise boundaries. In this podcast Pete gives many examples of ways we can do this in a healthy way, attempting to nuance the different situations in which we find ourselves.

Chapter 9: Endings and New Beginnings

We've reached the last podcast reviewing the final chapter in The Emotionally Healthy Leader: Endings and New Beginnings. Integrating endings and new beginnings is a critical leadership task. Learn how to master transitions in God's way with his timing.


Download FREE Discussion Guide

What's Included:

  • Printable chapter by chapter discussion guide
  • Video Chapter introductions from Pete Scazzero
  • Simple pathway to facilitate deep change among your staff or team