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Most pastors and church leaders wrestle with this question: How do we measure success if not by numbers?
For the next two episodes, we’re diving into one of the most radical truths of the gospel—that God’s power is made perfect not in our strengths, but in our weaknesses. Paul lived this. He was battered, abandoned, mocked, even questioned as a true apostle. Yet, it was precisely in his weakness that God’s power was most fully displayed.
This isn’t just theological. It’s deeply personal. I’ve spent my whole life trying to overcome my weaknesses. But what if they were never obstacles to success—what if they were the very platform for God’s power?
Join me as we unpack this paradigm-shifting truth, straight from 2 Corinthians 10-13.
In this podcast you will hear about emotionally healthy planning and decision making out of Pete Scazzero's new book, The Emotionally Healthy Leader. This conversation is being led by Rich Villodas (Pastor of New Life Fellowship in New York) who is joined by Pete Scazzero (Founder of Emotionally Healthy Spirituality).
To subscribe the podcast on iTunes please visit: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/podcast-rss-emotionally-healthy/id302797975
To learn more about Emotionally Healthy Spirituality visit http://EmotionallyHealthy.org