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John the Baptist: The Unlikely Emotionally Healthy Leader – EH Leader Podcast

Posted on August 7th, 2018

Imagine making your personal list of the top 10 most emotionally healthy leaders found in the Bible. Would John the Baptist make the list as a strong leadership role model? Possibly not.

Taken from the opening sermon of the 2017 Emotionally Healthy Leadership Conference, Pete looks at three aspects that make John the Baptist an extraordinary model of leadership.

  1. He knew himself and he knew God. John the Baptist was very aware of who he was and was not influenced by what others thought of him. He was free from impressing people but was completely attuned to what God’s mission was for him.
  2. He was deeply aware of issues surrounding him. John the Baptist realized there was a cultural crisis of shallow spirituality in which people kept the rules but did not have a vibrant relationship with the Father.
  3. He knew his limits. John the Baptist realized that his job was not to change people but to position them so that they could be changed by God.

Listen as Pete takes a deeper look at John the Baptist, the unlikely emotionally healthy leader. What might be other leadership lessons you might receive?

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