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Loving Your Enemies as “Saint-Makers” – EH Leader Podcast

Posted on July 24th, 2018

Who is your “enemy” today? I’m referring to someone who drives you crazy, who irritates you, a person you resent because they’ve hurt you or betrayed you. This is, undoubtedly, one of the largest challenges for each of us

A number of years ago, while on a Trappist monastery retreat, the Prior shared a profound insight about enemies as “saint-makers,” and that, whenever we live in community, God sends them to us as a gift. Why? So that we mature into the likeness of Jesus.

In this podcast I talk about a number of powerful truths around Jesus’ command: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you… If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? (Matthew 5:43,46). For example, you will learn why:

  • Few things are more important than learning not to judge, or despise, others.
  • Our enemies are not an interruption to our spiritual life with God, but often our way to Him.
  • God is the key to get connected to our “enemy,” i.e. we desperately need him. And the place to get connected to God is with your “enemy,” i.e. we desperately need them.
  • A miracle is needed to love our enemies. (Fortunately, God is good at miracles.)

Maximus the Confessor, a 7th century theologian, argued that the only way to become spiritually mature was through both love of neighbor and the love of God. He wrote: “Interior freedom is not yet possessed by anyone who cannot close his eyes to the fault of a friend, whether real or apparent.” May God grant you this interior freedom today.



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