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10 Reasons Sabbath is Core to Leadership – EH Leader Podcast

Posted on May 10th, 2018

Practicing Sabbath, much like prayer or reading the Bible, doesn’t save us. We are saved by Jesus alone. But if we are not routinely reading Scripture or praying, it is unlikely we are growing much spiritually. Keeping Sabbath is a core spiritual practice – an essential means God uses to slow us down and mature us.

In this podcast, I expound on ten core reasons Sabbath is so indispensable for us who lead in Jesus’ name:

  1. Sabbath is something God did, and being made in his image, we are created to do it as well.
  2. Sabbath was built into the DNA of the creation.
  3. Sabbath time is set apart as “holy” within God’s creation of a 7-day week.
  4. Sabbath helps us embrace our humanity, vulnerability, limits and finiteness.
  5. Sabbath protects us from doing violence to ourselves. It doesn’t save our souls, but it saves our lives.
  6. Sabbath reminds us God’s world is good, offering a preview of an unimaginable world to come.
  7. Sabbath defeats the powers and principalities that define us by our work.
  8. Sabbath offers a lived experience of God’s grace and love in the gospel.
  9. Sabbath breaks our addiction to doing, making, producing and accomplishing.
  10. Sabbath is one of the ways we are a sign and wonder that point people to Jesus.

I pray this stimulates you to take your first steps towards practicing Sabbath and/or deepens your experience with this wonderful gift from God.




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