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Personal Assessment

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Personal Assessment


How Healthy Is Your Experience of Living Out of Loving Union With Jesus?

Posted on October 9th, 2014

Just as Jesus lived in a relaxed, loving union with the Father, we are invited to a similar relationship with him. “If you remain in me as I remain in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). He promises that if we do this, “fruit” always follows. Jesus doesn’t say that we cannot do things without him. He doesn’t say that we can’t lead or build a ministry without him. He does say that, unless these behaviors flow out of a relationship of loving union with him, they are worth nothing.

I name God’s invitation to us loving union. Love captures the way we remain. Union speaks to the depth of the connection. It is helpful to think of the level of our loving union on a continuum that ranges from 1-10. Use the brief assessment that follows to get an idea of where you fall on the continuum.

Next to each statement, write down the number that best describes your response.

1-           2-           3-           4-           5-         6-        7-      8-         9-         10-

Not at all True                      Moderately True                 Completely True

  • ____  I am relaxed and unhurried.
  • ____  I am deeply aware of God’s great love.
  • ____  I appreciate and love one person at a time.
  • ____  I am content amidst suffering and setbacks.
  • ____  I praise and promote others easily and joyfully.
  • ____  I am generous with my time, money, and gifts.
  • ____  I listen for God’s voice and will throughout the day.
  • ____  I forgive and let go of hurts.
  • ____  I am prudent in conversations and discernment.
  • ____  I am playful and able to laugh easily.
  • ____  I get up quickly when I fail or fall.
  • ____  I respond to criticism graciously.

If you scored mostly ones, twos, or threes, you are likely doing too much, perhaps more than God has asked you to do. You may be overloaded. The fact that you took the assessment is a grace from God. What might God’s invitation be to you today?

If you scored mostly fours, fives, sixes or sevens, then you are making progress, but you are likely still out of balance with not enough being with God to sustain your doing for him. Ask yourself: What adjustments might God be inviting me to make in this season?

If you scored eights, nines, and tens you are in a good place. Your doing for God and your being with him are well-integrated and balanced. Be encouraged.


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