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How the 3 Deadliest Leadership Temptations are God’s Great Invitation

Posted on January 10th, 2023

Not long ago I was spending time with some young pastors, hoping to learn how leaders today define ministry success. The word “influence” seemed to be a common theme.

Many leaders obsess over growing their followers, gaining digital credibility, and creating captivating sound bites for social media. While there is nothing wrong with having a following, there exists a pressure and allure to making that the primary scorecard for ministry impact. This way of thinking only leads to destruction.

In many ways, this is nothing new. The 3 deadly temptations that Jesus faced in the desert, are the exact temptations we face as leaders, no matter what generation you are from.

Anthony the Great, a desert father, said, “This is the great work of a man: always to take the blame for his own sins before God and to expect temptation till the last breath!”

But if we learn to face these temptations and receive the gift of God’s perspective, we’ll come out of the desert transformed and full of the Holy Spirit.

What are the 3 deadliest temptations and invitations?

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