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Tag Archives: Vince Lombardi

3 Killers of Effective Leadership

I called Bobb Biehl a couple of years ago at a moment I found myself “unclear” and “fuzzy.” He shared with me 3 killers of effective leadership that have served me since that conversation.  The following is my expansion on his points: 1.Fog When we don’t see clearly where we are, where we are going, and how we are going to get there, leadership (and life I may add) is hard. We know that Jesus “often withdrew to lonely places and prayed” (Lk.5:16).  It was a great struggle for Him, at times, to fully and clearly submit Himself to the will of the Father in critical moments. How can we expect it will require any less of us? Let me suggest 2 things if you are in a fog. First, receive your fog as God’s prompting for you to spend extended time alone with Him – perhaps a ½ day or a 1-2 day. Read more.