LeaderSHIFT: 8 Pivotal Breakthroughs of Emotionally Healthy Leaders

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Tag Archives: resentful

Top Signs of Not Being in “Loving Union”

There are few more important questions for leaders today then to discern the signs of when we are, or are not, walking in loving union with Jesus. Like an oil light in a car, these signs serve as warning signs to slow down and adjust our lives. They will be slightly different for each of us, depending on our vulnerabilities. The following are the top 12 that call out to me that something is not in order in my work as a pastor/leader: Top 12 signs of not being in loving union with Jesus 1. I feel anxiety in the tenseness and tightness in my body.2. I am not present or listening intently.3. I feel pressure, with too much to do in too little time.4. I am rushing.5. I give quick opinions and judgments.6. I am fearful about the future.7. I am overly concerned with what others think.8. I am defensive and easily offended.9.. Read more.

Top Signs of Not Being in "Loving Union"

There are few more important questions for leaders today then to discern the signs of when we are, or are not, walking in loving union with Jesus. Like an oil light in a car, these signs serve as warning signs to slow down and adjust our lives. They will be slightly different for each of us, depending on our vulnerabilities. The following are the top 12 that call out to me that something is not in order in my work as a pastor/leader: Top 12 signs of not being in loving union with Jesus 1. I feel anxiety in the tenseness and tightness in my body. 2. I am not present or listening intently. 3. I feel pressure, with too much to do in too little time. 4. I am rushing. 5. I give quick opinions and judgments. 6. I am fearful about the future. 7. I am overly concerned with what others think.. Read more.

Desert Rhythms: Learning to "Do" Out of Your "Being"

Mark 1:35 “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went off to a solitary place where he prayed.” Jesus modeled a regular rhythm of “Being with God” followed by  “Doing for God” (i.e. activity). As a result, He remained anchored and centered amidst the chaos and stress around Him. Take the following inventory to evaluate your rhythms: Is Your Doing Out of Balance with Your Being? You avoid silence, and when you are quiet, your mind constantly races. You skip or skim on Sabbath. You hurry a lot. You position yourself so that others think well of you You say “yes’ when you would rather say “no” You are resentful and tired because you regularly “try to do it all.” You rarely taste your food as a gift of God. You have little mindfulness of delighting in Christ’s love during the day. You are. Read more.

10 Ways to Know it is Time to Quit

Geri and I were asked a couple of months ago how do you know if it is time to quit and get serious about this journey we call emotionally healthy spirituality. This was recently published in Knowing When to Say “I Quit” – 10 Ways to Know It is Time to Quit- Take a few minutes to see how many of the following ten statements apply to you.  It may be time for you to quit. 1. You need the approval of others to feel good about yourself. 2. You are angry, sad, or disappointed and feel guilty about it. 3. You believe you don’t have choices. 4. You do for others what they can and should do for themselves. 5. Your rarely consider your own hopes and dreams because of your focus on others. 6. You say “yes’ when you would rather say “no”. 7. You have difficulty speaking up when you disagree. Read more.