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Tag Archives: celebration

Sabbath: Feasting at God’s Banquet

Scripture describes our future as the wedding feast of all wedding feasts. We will see Jesus face to face and be united with him in a massive love and joy that will last forever. On Sabbath, a 24 hour period set apart from our work, we participate in that feast. Thomas Aquinas, in the twelfth century, talked about our craving for a happiness that is so boundless that it is almost terrifying. Sabbath slows us down to satisfy that hunger beneath all our hungers. Christianity is not about what we have to do as leaders – “Do this. Go here. Serve this person. Go the extra mile for the work.” The Christian life is enjoying a feast, a banquet with the living God. There are few greater gifts we can give the people we serve than to stop and experience that feast on Sabbath. And we look forward to our eternal Sabbath when we. Read more.

Sabbath: Feasting at God's Banquet

Scripture describes our future as the wedding feast of all wedding feasts.  We will see Jesus face to face and be united with him in a massive love and joy that will last forever. On Sabbath, a 24 hour period set apart from our work, we participate in that feast. Thomas Aquinas, in the twelfth century, talked about our craving for a happiness that is so boundless that it is almost terrifying. Sabbath slows us down to satisfy that hunger beneath all our hungers. Christianity is not about what we have to do as leaders – “Do this. Go here. Serve this person. Go the extra mile for the work.” The Christian life is enjoying a feast, a banquet with the living God. There are few greater gifts we can give the people we serve than to stop and experience that feast on Sabbath. And we look forward to our eternal Sabbath when we. Read more.

Midday Prayer: Forgiveness and Celebration

Silence, Stillness, and Centering before God (2 minutes) Scripture Reading – Luke 6:12-18 One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God. When morning came, he called his disciples to him and chose twelve of them, whom he also designated apostles…(Then) he went down with them and stood on a level place. A large crowd of his disciples was there…who had come to hear him and to be healed of their diseases. Those troubled by evil spirits were cured, and the people all tried to touch him, because power was coming from him and healing them all. Devotional After being in solitude all evening, Jesus chooses the Twelve and forms a community. Henri Nouwen notes that two disciplines make community possible: forgiveness and celebration. He writes: “Forgiveness is to allow the other person not to be God. Forgiveness says, ” I know you love me,. Read more.

Midday Prayer: Forgiveness and Celebration

Silence, Stillness, and Centering before God (2 minutes) Scripture Reading – Luke 6:12-18 One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God. When morning came, he called his disciples to him and chose twelve of them, whom he also designated apostles…(Then) he went down with them and stood on a level place. A large crowd of his disciples was there…who had come to hear him and to be healed of their diseases. Those troubled by evil spirits were cured, and the people all tried to touch him, because power was coming from him and healing them all. Devotional After being in solitude all evening, Jesus chooses the Twelve and forms a community. Henri Nouwen notes that two disciplines make community possible: forgiveness and celebration. He writes: “Forgiveness is to allow the other person not to be God. Forgiveness says, ” I know you love me,. Read more.

Poetry Capturing Our 26 Years of Leadership

This poem by Emily Ruth Hazel, a poet in our church, was written and dedicated to us at our 26th Celebration on Sept. 27th, 2013. It captured the essence of our lives, leadership, ministry, and transition at NLF. Enjoy! “Under These Green Leaves” by Emily Ruth HazelDedicated to Pastors Pete and Geri ScazzeroPresented September 27, 2013Queens, New York City Twenty-six years to arrive atthis day. Another doorway:after all the transformationsyou have ushered us through,now we frame this space for you. What started growing years agoin a sidewalk crack in Queenshas taken hold—its rootsnow reaching deep, uplifting even concrete.The ministry you planted has becomea canopy of shade and shelter.Only God could have imaginedthese generous branches,how wide they would spread.Under these green leaves,the next generation is emergingout of this fertile ground. In the beginning, you stood aloneat the edge of what you knewas waves redefined their boundariesand brought you to your knees.You waded in and walked. Read more.

10 Qualities of an Emotionally Healthy Wedding

Out of the experience of our daughter’s wedding last Saturday, we realized there is such a thing as an “Emotionally Healthy Wedding.”  Here are a few reflections as to what made it such a distinct, rich experience: 1. We Gave a Gift of a Fixed Amount of Money and Let Go. Because this was a gift, they controlled the wedding, not us. There were no strings attached. They made the decisions and asked us for input along the way 2. We Were Aware of and Managed Our Own Anxieties. There were plenty of things to worry about, from 6 inches of rain the day before our outdoor wedding, to the groom’s grandfather dying 4 days before the big day, to other people’s attitudes that were challenging. We paid attention to it and responded appropriately. 3. We Rejoiced. This was not simply a weekend event, or nine months of preparation, but a lifetime of labor in. Read more.