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Tag Archives: leadership development

The 3 Biggest Mistakes We Make in Developing Leaders — EH Leader Podcast

One of the most important topics for any leader, whether it be in church, a ministry, or organization, is how we develop other leaders. The future of our ministries depends on it. The field of leadership development is so vast that people get advanced degrees, travel the world for conferences, and spend enormous amounts of time, energy and money to learn how to do it more effectively – all of which are worthwhile. In this podcast, I share the top three mistakes I have made over the decades. They also happen to be the mistakes I’ve observed most in other leadership development efforts as well. They are: We forget that who we are is more important than what we teach. We mistakenly believe in a “fast” process. We neglect the core discipleship of our future leaders. Let me invite you to listen to this podcast, asking the Lord Jesus what might be one or. Read more.

Learning to Lead from the Margins

We need a radically different kind of spiritual formation of leaders in the 21st century. Rosy Kandithal, an assistant pastor/contemplative artist on our New Life staff team, is taking a year to learn at a monastery in Wisconsin. Why? To deepen her being and her roots in Jesus, to learn hiddenness with God, to learn to pray. She is going to learn Christian leadership from the margins. Scott Sunquist, Dean of Fuller’s School of Intercultural Ministry and one of the great historians of global church history of our day, writes:”from the fourth to the fifteenth centuries, Christian mission was kept alive not from the ecclesial center, but from them margins…The rise of monasticism was in part a missional renewal movement: to tear the church away from its early captivity to worldly power and riches.” In the famous School of the Persians at Nisibis, for example, over a thousand students lived in monastic cells. Trained. Read more.

Lessons from Church History 1600's to Today

At NLF a few weeks ago, we had a one day course with my good friend, Scott Sunquist a global church historian from Pittsburg Theological Seminary. He focused on implications and lessons from the past for today, beginning with the Protestant missionary movement of the 17th century and then moving to the church in Africa and the Pacific.  It was an outstanding day, one that left us with much to ponder as we consider our mission for Christ. The following were my top applications: 1. Earliest Protestant missionaries were from the margins of the church, that is common people, not professional clergy. The Moravians, the Methodists, the Baptists (e.g. William Carey) were common people with passion and zeal for Jesus.Their stories filled me with great excitement and vision to challenge our own people to “Expect great things from God and attempt great things for God.” 2. One of the applications that came out of. Read more.