LeaderSHIFT: 8 Pivotal Breakthroughs of Emotionally Healthy Leaders

LeaderShift eBook

Personal Assessment

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Personal Assessment

Leadership One Day Reimagine a Scorecard for Success
June 15th, 12 p.m. - 4 p.m. ET
A LIVE Online Experience for Pastors, Leaders, and Teams
Registration includes a recording of the full experience.

How do you define “success”?

Every leader measures success. But without a clear scorecard we are driven by external pressures rather than internal maturity. For too many leaders, this results in an enormous pressure to keep up.

The Leadership One Day is a time to reimagine a new scorecard for success. Through biblical foundations, real-time coaching, and breakout sessions you’ll learn to lead with the light and easy yoke of Jesus.

At Leadership One Day, you’ll experience:

  • LIVE Leadership Coaching with Pete Scazzero (via case studies)
  • Design a New Scorecard for Your Success
  • How to Flourish Under Unrelenting Pressure
  • Group Breakout Sessions to Dialogue with Other Pastors and Leaders
  • Next Steps for You, Your Team and Your Ministry

Who should come to the Leadership One Day?

Hint: This is NOT a pre-recorded webinar

The Leadership One Day is for leaders and teams who want to deeply integrate the principles of Emotionally Healthy Discipleship in their ministry context.

  • Pastors & Teachers
  • Church Leadership Teams
  • Elders & Overseers
  • Theologians
  • Network Leaders

LIVE coaching that grounds your learning

This experience will be more than lectures and concepts. Our goal is to get practical, dissecting real leadership challenges. Pete Scazzero will choose several case studies, submitted by participants, and coach leaders in real-time.

Watch a LIVE Coaching Session with Pete

Meet your instructors

Pete Scazzero has spent over 26 years thinking, studying, writing, and researching Emotionally Healthy Discipleship around the world. Pete is the world’s recognized expert on the integration of spirituality and emotional health. His books are used around the world in seminaries and academic institutions such as Harvard Divinity School, Asian Theological Seminary, and Fuller Theological Seminary.

Drew Hyun serves on Part-Time Staff with Emotionally Healthy Discipleship. In addition, Drew is the Founding Pastor of Hope NYC, a multi-campus church. He is also the Co-Founder of the New City Network, a network of urban churches that value multi-ethnicity, Spirit-filled ministry, emotional health, and mission.

What is expected of participants?

  1. Read the Emotionally Healthy Discipleship book.
  2. Take the EH Discipleship Personal Assessment (15 Minutes)
  3. Submit one case study with a challenge you are facing in your ministry context. (Example Case Studies)