LeaderSHIFT: 8 Pivotal Breakthroughs of Emotionally Healthy Leaders

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✅ [FREE E-BOOK] LeaderSHIFT: 8 Pivotal Breakthroughs of Emotionally Healthy Leaders ————————— As a young leader, I wanted so badly to succeed. I wanted to pastor a growing church, and preach the best sermons in town. I wanted to grow our ministries – bigger, better, and more influentual. To this end, I was told by leadership experts to develop my skills and competencies. I learned to preach and vision cast, to exegete the scriptures, do effective evangelism, lead staff meetings, and launch small groups. But over time these outward facing competencies became a WEIGHT that squeezed the life out of me. To make a long story short, this is what catalyzed a complete revolution in me. I knew that I (and we) needed a massive shift in our leadership paradigm. On today’s podcast, we explore the GREAT SHIFT we need.  

✅ FREE PREVIEW: Download and Watch Session One of the Emotionally Healthy Relationships Course — Many Christians do not know what to do with their emotions. When sadness, anger, or disappointment surface in our souls, we avoid them rather than see them as gifts. As a result, we are rarely present with God or with others. The truth is that emotions never die. They are only buried alive. They always resurface, leaking into other parts of our lives and relationships. It took God’s work to change this in Geri Scazzero’s life and marriage. When Geri and her husband discovered the permission to explore their emotional lives, it was like opening up a dam for the first time. The world went from black and white to color almost overnight. In part five of this series, Geri Scazzero is joined by her husband Pete to explore the 8 essential relationship skills everyone must adopt in order. Read more.

✅ [FREE E-BOOK] LeaderSHIFT: 8 Pivotal Breakthroughs of Emotionally Healthy Leaders ————————— Loss, change, and transition are all around us. Yet, one of the lesser-known practices of emotionally healthy leadership is learning how to let go and transition from one season to the next. Throughout our lives there are countless endings and new beginnings that invite us to pay attention: Closing a chapter of life, Leaving one church and joining a new one, Starting a new job or role, Moving away or into a new home, Changing relationships, Succession and release of leadership In every transition, there are gifts waiting to be discovered if we are able to slow down and reflect in gratitude. When we rush through transitions, giving little thought to what is happening, we actually miss out on the hidden ways God is trying to come to us. In this podcast, I explore this theme further and share insights on how. Read more.

All of us, in some way, are anchored in our past. In other words, none of us are “blank slates”. We each bring the blessings and curses of our families of origin (Exodus 20:5) into our relationships, marriages, and churches. Emotionally healthy disciples understand that you cannot go forward without first going backward. That is why the skill of the Genogram is one of the essential tools in both parts of the Emotionally Healthy Discipleship Course. In part four of this series, Geri Scazzero is joined by her husband Pete to explore the 8 essential relationship skills everyone must adopt in order to cultivate emotionally healthy relationships. —————- ✅ How Emotionally Healthy Are You?: Take the Free Assessment to Discover if You Are an Emotional Infant, Adolescent, Teenager, or Adult —

✅ How Healthy is Your Leadership? Take this short and free quiz to find out. ————————————————- Churches have all kinds of expectations of pastors and church leaders. There is a certain pressure that you must be able to cast vision, teach and preach, lead and inspire staff and volunteers, build teams, and keep ministry momentum in all areas. The problem? Everything on this list is EXTERNAL. Very few churches and pastors see their INTERNAL life with God as part of their job description. For this reason, we must become increasingly serious about leading from a deep inner life with God (not just gifting and skill). On today’s podcast, I will share some of what I’ve been sharing with many pastors. How we should design every part of our lives (rest, work, prayer, and relationships) around the love of God.  

🎯 SKILLS FOR FAMILIES: Learn a powerful 5-part conversation tool and teach your family.   It’s time we dispel a myth…there are NO perfect parents.Geri and I have been parenting for 39 years, and we are still learning as we go. Every age and stage of life presents opportunities and challenges. The key is to continue in the direction of good parenting, even if you make mistakes along the way.Today, Geri joins me for part two of a podcast where we explore one of the most challenging leadership tasks on earth – emotionally healthy parenting. Together, we cover 4 critical parenting issues: Why YOU are your child’s biggest problem (and what to do about that) How to create a SAFE environment in your home Why CONNECTION is more important than rules The importance of knowing your POWER with your children    

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