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How (and How Not) to Choose Your Next 3 and 12 Disciples
Posted on: Tuesday April 30, 2024

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Pastors and leaders want to make an exponential impact for Jesus.

We often spend our energy on what will affect the most amount of people. So we prepare cutting-edge weekend services, craft sermons for large groups, publish social posts that we hope will have a viral reach, all while squeezing in time for people when we can.

But when we look at the life of Jesus, we see that he focused his time on a few. In fact, he turned the world upside-down by concentrating his ministry on 12 men!

In today's podcast, I answer common questions like "How do I choose just 3 or 12 disciples?", "Who should I be looking for? (and, who should I avoid?), and "What do I actually do with them?"

This is not easy and fast work, but when we get this right, the church will be transformed.

Monday August 06, 2018

Taken from a message given at the 2017 Emotionally Healthy Leadership Conference, Pete looks at three aspects that make John the Baptist an unlikely but extraordinary model of leadership.




Tuesday July 31, 2018

It is easy to lead for God without listening to him. The word listen or hear is found more than 1500 times in the Bible. That is why the most important question every one of us must ask throughout our days is: “God, how are you coming to me, what might you want to say?” In this podcast, Pete gives specific examples of how he regularly applies this question to different areas of his life and discernment process.

Tuesday July 24, 2018

Pete discusses a number of powerful truths around Jesus’ command: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you... If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? (Matt. 5:43-45).

Tuesday July 17, 2018

Pete introduces the ladder of integrity, a simple yet powerful tool to be used when we are feeling angry, frustrated, or hurt in a relationship or a situation.

Tuesday July 10, 2018

Living with integrity, whether you're in your twenties or seventies, is no small task. In this podcast, Pete lays the foundation for a leader’s integrity by discussing four critical areas: integrity with God, integrity with yourself, integrity in your marriage / singleness, integrity in your leadership.

Tuesday July 03, 2018

The first crisis the early church confronted was a crisis of integrity. Pete speaks on the story of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5:1-11 and shares why integrity is so important to leadership.

Monday June 25, 2018

Pete shares 10 questions that became an anchor for him during a two-year period that served as a crucible of differentiation in his life.

Tuesday June 19, 2018

If you and I were sitting down with David towards the end of his life, and we asked him what tips might he have for our own leadership today, what might he say? Pete shares a few key tips he believes would be near the top of his list

Tuesday June 12, 2018

In part 2 of this podcast series on Becoming a More Differentiated Leader, Pete talks about four practical truths that can help us make the radical transition of dismantling our false self in order to lead faithfully out of our true self in Christ.

Monday June 04, 2018

Pete introduces the paradigm-shifting concept of differentiation as one significant reason why exercising excellent leadership is so hard and addresses three key questions can help us grow in differentiation and maturely navigate high-charged situations.