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Category Archives: Podcasts

Put a STOP on Your Hurried, Rushed Life

In 2024, church leaders will be sifted left and right. Mature from immature. Wise from foolish. Substantial from surface level. This I know – the most effective leaders (and the ones worth following) will draw a line in the sand and put a full stop to accepting a rushed, cluttered, and constricted life. They will reject speed, crowds, and noise in favor of a graceful, unrushed way of life. I call this lifestyle “spaciousness”. It’s one of the secret weapons of true spiritual mothers and fathers of the faith. On today’s podcast, I explore the theme of spaciousness, making applications for how leaders can resist the way of the world, and decisively shift into a new way of life with Jesus.  

The Radical Decision Every Leader Must Make in 2024

Leaders in 2024 are facing pressures and challenges greater than any other in my lifetime. Elections, wars, rumors of wars, economic pressure, global instability, scandals, artificial intelligence, etc. This may seem overwhelming, but there is a unique opportunity before us. As leaders, this will require the decision to radically re-align ourselves to God’s purposes and plans in the world today. On today’s podcast, I share some personal reflections on what I believe “radical realignment” looks like and then offer 3 specific invitations from God in this season.

As we approach 2024, there couldn’t be a better time to revisit your discipleship strategy. Here’s why… In North America, we are ramping up towards another election year. For most Americans, this has become a time of increased anxiety, stress, and relational volatility. As a culture, we lack the tools to have difficult conversations (especially political ones) without resorting to blaming, name-calling, avoiding, and “dirty fighting.” Sadly, we do this in the church as well. For the first 17 years of my Christian walk, this was all I ever knew. I simply mirrored what I learned from my family of origin. My mother yelled and screamed. My father was an appeaser who later exploded in anger. I learned to become an appeaser, which cost me dearly in my marriage, leadership, and church. For both Geri and I, we had to completely re-learn what it looks like to fight (and negotiate differences) in the new. Read more.

Staying Grounded When People Are Driving You Crazy

We’re in the thick of the holiday season – a time full of joy, yet jam-packed with people, parties, and productions. This season has a dizzying effect on everyone – but especially leaders. One temptation is to put a smile on our face while skimming over the frustrations, disappointments, and other inner workings of our souls. We have people and situations that are bothering us at a core level, but rather than leaning into difficult and heartfelt conversations, we choose instead to avoid them. When we do this, we step out of integrity. This was how I operated for years as a pastor. I had people that were getting under my skin, but no tools to communicate what I was feeling in a healthy way. I chose instead to pretend I was feeling one way when secretly I was angry. Take a moment to reflect. Is there a situation that is bothering you?  A. Read more.

The One Skill That Will Make or Break Your Life and Leadership

To be an emotionally healthy leader requires many skills, practices, and rhythms. Over the last several weeks, we’ve explored many relationship skills that are non-negotiable for leaders. But if there is just ONE skill I’m convinced every leader must master, it’s “Incarnational Listening.” David Augsberger wrote, “Being heard is so close to being loved that for the average person they are almost indistinguishable.” When you master this relationship skill, Your spouse and friends will feel seen and heard. Your staff and volunteers will feel like you get them. Your church will experience you as compassionate and present. Your love for others will grow exponentially. In today’s podcast episode, my wife Geri and I share more about the skill of “Incarnational Listening” that is a part of Emotionally Healthy Relationships. I want to encourage you. This is one of the toughest skills to do well, but when you stick with it, I guarantee you it will change everything.

Why Bottling Up Emotions Kills Spiritual Growth

For the first 17 years of my Christian life, my emotional life was completely divorced from my spiritual life.  Or so I thought. When sadness, anger, or disappointment surfaced from my soul, I did not see them as gifts. As a leader, I saw my emotions as interruptions to “my real work” – moving the church forward and reaching the lost! As a result, I was not present with myself, with God, or with others. I saw my sadness as something to be overcome through prayer and Scripture. I would declare, “the joy of the Lord is my strength!” while ignoring the deep cries of my heart. The truth is that emotions never die. They are only buried alive. They always resurface, leaking into other parts of our lives and relationships.  It took a work of God for this to change in my life and marriage. When my wife Geri and I discovered the. Read more.